
Eyes of paradise as soft as the night.

Eyes of paradise as delicate as the evening. How I long for you to come into my life. Who am I to wish for you, though? The reality of my fantasies of holding you is so far away. My dreams of strolling hand in hand with you are just daydreams in my psyche.

However, I feel solace in the distant authenticity of my fantasies and find harmony of psyche in my clear imaginings of you. Lips of composition as welcoming as the closeness of a kiss. I long for the friendship of one who is so dear to me. Nevertheless, why should I go after the most brilliant star lighting the sky?

My considerations of you are a safeguard that shields you from all mischief that stands up to you. With strength and force, I safeguard you from harm and maltreatment. I honor your strong will and intellect with respect. With euphoria I wash myself in your consideration. Yet, why should I swim in a precious crystal stream and drink the sweet waters of your wonderful virtue? My heart liquefies into your smile with the best of glimmers having all joy to get and all happiness to acquire inside the glow of a grin so delicate and light.

Show me how to talk in a manner to really speak with you. So that we can move beyond the realm of conversation and into the realm of clarity and comprehension by telling you the things I want you to know in a pleasant melody. I request these things from you from the heights and from the depths of my heart.

Jewel of sensuous delight take hold of me and cradle me within your closeness. Treat me as if I am a fine fabric embracing your most delicate parts. Throw me to the ground and consume me like a meal dressed for eating. Say my name in a voice that conveys the wealth of your affections for me. Make love to me until I pass out in total bliss. If I am asking too much of you do not stress, just do as you will with me as thoroughly as you may.

Why am I saying all these things? I am pouring out my heart and mind to you because I adore you. I am not whispering nor am I being evasive because I want you to understand me plainly. I know that I am asking a great deal of you, but you are a magnificent amount to ask for, so what can I do except be true to my feelings for you. Eyes of paradise as soft as the twilight, the ardent appearance of your legs and thighs makes me want to fiddle as Rome burns in the night.

I am being true to myself which I am determined to be so with you. The light in my eyes is not a reflection of a vague mirroring of what I want our companionship to be but is the radiance and glow of having a wholesome relationship with you that is as genuine as genuine can be. My desire for you is sincere and just and is unfiltered as possible with all decency and integrity. Wrap your legs around my head to the fullest degree of respiration so that I may breathe freely in the jovialness that you provide me.

Esteemed of my most reverent admiration and loveliest whisper, I am at my wits end to properly convey my heartfelt message to you. Help me to sing a song of love to you. Instruct me as to how I may endear myself to you. Let none of my words to you be in vain but be fruitful and prosperous in winning you over.

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On the other side of this or that

On the other side of this or that, may or may not contain the fulfillment of my dreams.

Dreams on the other side of this or that, not borne out in this sphere of reality.

Dreams that I experience as I hear the beat of my heart ringing in my ears.

Ringing in my ears that reminds me of how ever present is the last beat of my heart.

So loud is the sound of the finite that carries the night and so disguised as sleep is the ringing in my ears.

On the outer parts of nowhere I reside within the captivity of a breath of air.

A single breath of air that separates the present and past tense of my being.

When will the morning come where other sounds will drown out the beat of my heart that is ringing in my ears?

Within the inner most parts of my mortality dwell the contour of the worms.

Worms eating away at my lifelessness and gorging themselves on my rot and decay.

On the other side of this or that, her soft but firm voice is my inherency.

Contained within the may or may not be, is her smile endowed just for me.

The days soar like a bird in flight.

The night roars like a lion about to devour its prey.

Beat after beat ringing in my ears constantly reminding me that the flame of the cremator is nearby.

Pull up your trousers, you drop-pants and behave like an adult person.

No one wants to see your backside in the limelight but the articulation of an inventive mind.

The child desperately wants to be seen and heard, and always in the wrong way.

On the other side of this and within the deepest regions of that, may or may not be the realization of my dreams.

Dreams of self-realization, happiness, completion, and her arms lovingly embracing me.

Hammering and pounding the life out of my life on the thrashing floor.

Blending and stirring the finite with the unknown.

The day is here; the day is gone, and the longing is still alone.

The sound of my heart beating in my ears letting me know just how fragile life is.

In the approaching future, I see no practical future expect my absorption into dust in the looming valley of the nonentity.

The nonentity that I have been since the moment of my conception in an inhospitable house.

On the other side of this or that, awaits rest from the incessant ringing in my ears of the beating of my heart.

This I have hope as the hostile becomes aloof within the cold confines of my decease and demise.

The constant ringing in my ears is overpowered by the howl of nothingness in this reality of silhouettes and shades.

Silhouettes and shades of never hearing her call my name or delighting in the warmth and softness of her touch.

Tick by unremitting tick, time yells at me to crash dive into the gulf of the abyss.

What is the rush; the deep hole is my birthday present from the instance of my conception.

And the beat of my heart is the wrapping paper of my gift incessantly peeling away.

No afterlife, no paradise, no kiss from her lips.

And no more sound of my heart beating ringing in my ears.

On the other side of this or that, may or may not contain the fulfillment of my dreams.

Maybe, and perhaps not.

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Interpreting your dreams by analyzing your life experiences

Analyzing your life experiences

Analyzing your life experiences can be a helpful approach when interpreting your dreams. By examining your personal history, emotions, and significant events, you can gain a deeper understanding of the possible meanings behind your dream symbols and narratives. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Keep a dream journal: Start by recording your dreams immediately after waking up. Include as many details as possible, such as people, places, objects, and emotions you experienced in the dream.
  2. Identify recurring themes and symbols: Look for patterns or symbols that appear frequently in your dreams. Pay attention to objects, people, animals, or situations that repeat across different dreams.
  3. Connect with your emotions: Reflect on the emotions you felt during the dream and see if they relate to any current or past events in your life. Consider how these emotions may be linked to your waking life experiences and your emotional state.
  4. Consider personal associations: Think about your personal associations with the symbols in your dream. For example, if you dream of a cat, what does a cat mean to you personally? It could represent independence, mystery, or something entirely different based on your experiences and cultural background.
  5. Explore underlying conflicts or desires: Dreams often reflect our unconscious thoughts, conflicts, and desires. Analyze the narrative of your dream and try to uncover any hidden messages or unresolved issues that may be surfacing.
  6. Look for connections to waking life events: Consider any recent or significant events in your life that might be connected to your dreams. Your dreams may provide insights or alternative perspectives on these events.
  7. Seek professional guidance if needed: If you’re struggling to interpret your dreams or if they consistently cause distress, consider consulting with a professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, who specializes in dream analysis or psychotherapy.

Remember that dream interpretation is highly subjective, and the most important aspect is finding meaning that resonates with you personally. Trust your intuition and use your own insights to make sense of your dreams.

Interpreting your dreams and Common dream themes and symbols

Dreams can contain a wide variety of themes and symbols, and their meanings can vary depending on the individual and their personal experiences.

Remember that these interpretations are general guidelines, and the context of the dream and the dreamer’s personal associations play a crucial role in understanding the symbols. It’s essential to consider your own feelings, experiences, and cultural background when interpreting your dreams.

Here are some common themes and symbols that often appear in dreams:

  1. Flying: Represents freedom, liberation, or a desire to escape from a situation.
  2. Falling: Symbolizes a loss of control, fear, or a lack of support in waking life.
  3. Water: Can represent emotions, the unconscious mind, or the flow of life. Calm water may indicate tranquility, while turbulent water may signify emotional turmoil.
  4. Animals: Different animals carry various symbolic meanings. For example, a cat can represent independence or mystery, while a dog may symbolize loyalty or protection.
  5. Teeth: Often associated with concerns about appearance, communication, or feeling vulnerable.
  6. Death: Symbolizes the end of a phase or transformation rather than literal death. It can represent personal growth, change, or the need to let go of the past.
  7. Chasing: Represents a pursuit or fear of something in waking life, such as ambitions, relationships, or unresolved issues.
  8. Being naked: Signifies vulnerability, self-consciousness, or the fear of being exposed.
  9. Houses: Symbolize the self and different aspects of the dreamer’s personality or life. Different rooms may represent different emotions or areas of life.
  10. Vehicles: Represent the journey through life. The condition and control of the vehicle can reflect the dreamer’s sense of control and direction.
  11. People: Often reflect aspects of the dreamer’s own personality, desires, or relationships. Pay attention to how you feel and interact with the people in your dreams.
  12. Mirrors: Symbolize self-reflection, self-image, or the need to examine oneself and gain insight into personal identity.

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Dream Creation

Dream creation, also known as dream manipulation or lucid dreaming, refers to the ability to consciously control or influence the content and events that occur in dreams. While dreams are typically spontaneous and unpredictable, some individuals have developed techniques to enhance their awareness and control during the dreaming state.

Here are a few methods that can help with dream creation or lucid dreaming:

1. Reality checks: Perform reality checks throughout your waking hours by questioning whether you are dreaming or awake. This habit will carry over into your dreams, increasing the likelihood of becoming lucid when something unusual occurs.

2. Dream journaling: Keep a dream journal by your bedside and record your dreams as soon as you wake up. This practice improves dream recall and trains your mind to pay more attention to the dream world.

3. MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams): Before falling asleep, repeat a mantra or affirmation such as “I will have a lucid dream” or “I will remember my dreams.” Visualize yourself becoming aware in a dream and actively participating in it.

4. WBTB (Wake-Back-to-Bed) technique: Set an alarm to wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep. Stay awake for a short period (around 30 minutes) and engage in activities that promote wakefulness, such as reading about lucid dreaming or practicing visualization. Then go back to sleep with the intention of having a lucid dream.

5. Reality testing in dreams: Once you become lucid in a dream, perform reality checks to affirm that you are dreaming. Common reality checks include looking at your hands, trying to push your finger through your palm, or observing the behavior of objects in the dream environment.

6. Visualization and intention: Before falling asleep, imagine the dream scenario you wish to experience or create. Visualize it vividly and set a clear intention to encounter it in your dream.

7. Dream supplements and technology: Some individuals explore the use of certain supplements like galantamine or supplements that support dream vividness, as well as devices like lucid dreaming masks that detect REM sleep and provide cues to promote lucidity.

Remember that achieving lucid dreams and controlling dream content can take practice and patience. It’s important to approach the process with a relaxed and open mindset. Lucid dreaming can be an exciting and transformative experience, offering opportunities for self-exploration, creativity, and even problem-solving within the realm of dreams.

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Dreamwhack.club is excited to announce the launch of our dream forum, a platform where you can share your dreams with other dreamers and get insights from dream novice and dream experts, everyone is welcome.

Our dream forum is a place where you can explore the meaning and symbolism of your dreams, learn from other people’s experiences, and discover new ways to enhance your dreaming.

Whether you are interested in lucid dreaming, dream interpretation, or simply want to have fun with your dreams, our dream forum is the perfect place for you.

Join us today and start your free journey into the world of dreams!

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What are my dreams telling me?

What are my dreams telling me? Dreamwhack.club says, Dream interpretation is the process of discovering what your dreams mean and what they are trying to tell you. Some people believe that dreams are messages from the unconscious mind, while others think that they are just random images and sensations. There is no definitive answer to what dreams mean, but you can try to analyze your own dreams by paying attention to the symbols, emotions, and themes that appear in them.

Dreams Telling Me

There is no definitive answer to what dreams mean, but there are some common methods and theories that can help you analyze and interpret your own dreams.

However, remember that your dreams are unique to you and may not have the same meaning as someone else’s. The best way to interpret your dreams is to trust your intuition and explore what resonates with you.

Some common methods and theories that can help you analyze and interpret your own dreams.

One method is to keep a dream journal and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. This can help you remember the details and themes of your dreams, which are often forgotten quickly. You can also look for symbols, patterns, and recurring elements in your dreams, and try to relate them to your waking life. For example, if you dream about being chased, it might reflect a feeling of anxiety or stress in your waking life.

Another method is to use a dream dictionary or a guidebook that lists the possible meanings of different dream symbols and scenarios. These sources can provide some general interpretations based on psychological or cultural associations, but they are not always accurate or relevant to your personal situation. You should use them as a starting point, not as a final authority.

A third method is to consult a professional dream analyst or a therapist who specializes in dream interpretation. They can help you explore the deeper layers of your dreams and uncover the hidden messages that your unconscious mind is trying to communicate. They can also help you address any issues or conflicts that your dreams might reveal.

Our suggested method for analyzing your dreams.

Yet another method is to join our dream forum where we share our dreams with others to find their hidden meanings. Join our dream forum.

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Forlorn. And so, he consigns himself to loving her from afar because he is HIV positive. Safe sex practices and procedures are his norms. The personal safety and well-being of others is his rule. Therefore, despite his love for her, he keeps to himself.

From a faraway place, his heart pours out for her. And so, it is that the remote is very close and the near is far away. Sadness is a joy because love is happiness even when it’s concealed. In a secret chamber, her jeweled smile is with him pushing away self-pity and despair.

From afar she is close to him, and therefore he loves her because she is. Within the dimness, there is a vision, and in the light, there is the sparkling of the darkness. And so, it is that far and near as it is combined into one. And in that one he adores her.

The creep is on the crawl, and that does not frighten him. The look is over there yet so close he can feel it. He smiles inwardly to himself as he thinks of her. He thinks of her and smiles privately to himself. The knowledge of his love is not for her. The clue of his enchantment for her is to her an unknown.

A breath away is death. A breath away is life. Paradise is a breath when he sees her. The thought of her empowers and comforts him amid whatsoever is there. There is life, and love, and darkness, and light with HIV. The rude has been put to sleep by the brightness of her adoring. The radiance of her darkness has vanquished the crude.

And so, he conceals his love for her because he is HIV positive. He is HIV positive, and so he veils his love for her. In his heart, he rejoices. In his heart he is sad. She is unaware that he is making loving to her because this is not for her to know. Her peace is in his nostrils, and her safety is in his mind.

The boat is adrift and refuses to sink but the moment will come when it slips away. Today he sees, today he sleeps, and today his love of her is whole and complete. To himself he keeps, and of her he loves, and there you have it for whatever it is worth.

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How sick?

How sick do some elements want to be?  When they see a black panther before their eyes, they willfully perceive it as being a white pig. To what extent are some willing to lie to themselves? When their vision of the Universe is only a product of their mind. When their reality is only an illusion that they have erroneously produced, that gives them a false sense of superiority over human beings.

How sick do some elements want to be? Why should human beings care if the choice of back-ass-wards elements of the natural is to live in a lie? A torrent of lies that are systematically falling apart at the seams, and there is nothing that they can do to prevent it from colliding with facts and reality.

Genetic anomalies have brought nothing but conflict and sorrow to the Earth and all of its many life forms. And not being satisfied with ruining the Earth, they reach for the Stars to spoil them as well. Biological deviants have transformed the Earth into a cemetery populated by the animated dead because there is no transcendent life within them, so they want to kill the people who do have life within themselves.

I saw the diadem of perfectly harmonious impeccable order on her head with the points of departures and the points of beginnings being the foundations for her feet. The pneuma emanating from her bright brown eyes melted away the light into a bountiful blackness that shines brighter than the mortal mind can conceive.

How sick do some human beings want to be as they happily wallow within the warped paradigm of the unnatural that by all accounts would be extinct had they not broken out of their ice cage and attached themselves to human beings?

Why have human beings allowed their honor and self-respect to be taken away from them by beasts? Also, why does a human being look to quirks of nature to give you what they have strategically taken away from you?

Likewise, why does a human being covet praise from biological degenerates that have no concept of what true praise is? And why does a human being find acceptance in the smile on a bastard of nature’s face that is tactfully concealing the contempt, scorn, and laughter that they have for you all the while knowing that a lie disguises itself in many forms?

I saw the apex of love and joy on his head and the steadfastness of the queen of the harmonious universe supporting his feet. The pneuma emanating from his bright brown eyes merged with her perfect unsoiled blackness and transformed the voluntary dead into self-thinking, fast-moving energies of true light and life.

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I Wonder

I Wonder

Thirdly-five minutes after midnight

I wonder what you are doing right now.

I hope that you are feeling fine, not in pain, and have peace of mind.

Perhaps you are asleep.

May your sleep be filled with soft, sweet dreams.

So far away, yet so close within my heart and mind.

Forty-three minutes after midnight

I wonder what is on your mind.

Are your thoughts those that give you rest?

I send out my thoughts to connect with yours.

Do you hear me in your mind?

Can you feel my love for you in my thoughts sent to you?

If you do, let me embrace you and cause the distance between us to fade away.

Fifty-five minutes after midnight

I wonder what you are doing right now.

Are you awake, or are you asleep?

You have no idea who I am.

You have no knowledge that I even exist.

So close and so far, away is my love for you.

That even the unknown is factual, and the unseen is visible.

Five minutes after one, I wonder about you.

As bright as the Stars.

And as soft and embracing as the Night are my thoughts of you.

How so abundantly I adore you.

So, enveloping do I love you.

Twenty-seven minutes after One

I wonder so lovingly about you.

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