
The Look

confusion - the look

The look. Taking an analytical look at myself I am compelled to ask the age-old question “what is the meaning of life?” and specifically, “what is the meaning of my life?”

Is to live in a world of fantasies that I create, or regretting the things that I have said and done the meaning of my life? Or should I dismiss the inquisitive questioning of my being and accept the horrors of the carbon world as a finished and absolute product?

My elevation is the core of my fantasies, soaring higher than the thoughts of the mind can reach, carving out channels of completeness and rivers of fulfillment that the carbon world cannot accommodate.

What is the advantage of wishful thinking when whatever you wish cannot change the past? Possibly you can guide certain aspects of the future with wishful thinking. But the behavior of the cosmos and other people do not perform at your whim, so there are limitations to futuristic wishful thinking.

The look at myself is sobering at best. I see many loves reduced to ash before they can be built to stand by my feelings of inadequacy. I see a career in ruins because of my mistakes and addictive tendencies.

When I take the look at myself using the analytical approach to self-awareness, I see a pot boiling without water and steam not raising because there is nothing to create it.

Be that as it may, a light rain is falling and even though neanderthals have polluted and contaminated everything, the carbon-based is still a sound structure with a day of change to take place.

So, the age-old question as to the meaning of life is somewhat irrelevant as hydrogen atoms have little regards for the various types of plasma. And don’t be carried away by what scientific journals say about the age of this event and how and when that occurred because it is all guesswork.

The look is not to be inflated out of proportion but is to be taken as it is given. The thoughts of a double humpback camel is not the same as the thoughts of a single humpback camel, whatever that means. And assumptions and beliefs are not the same as facts and knowledge.

The meaning of life is defined by the individual and as long as that person does not intentionally cause harm to others it is there flow.

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