
I know that I must be Dreaming


Dreams have a way of revealing hidden desires, and it seems you’ve stumbled upon a beautiful revelation. Cherish this moment, for it’s a testament to the magic that can unfold within our minds. Whether awake or asleep, these feelings persist, leaving an indelible mark on your heart.

I know that I must be dreaming, but I am wide awake and not asleep. Gentle thoughts parade through my mind. Thoughts that seem to have no dimension of time. Delicate thoughts of you and I in a place that only dreams can make.

strongMan2 - I must be dreaming

Completeness has taken hold and the void that I used to feel inside is no more. I could not have made a wish, and I never imagined this could happen to me. And should I not believe it, all I have to do is look at you.

How beautiful is this new state of mind that encompasses me, filling me with that long sought after sense of being. It’s all about your eyes and even more about your smile when you look at me. Emptiness and loneliness are overturned and today is no longer moments passing away.

If I am dreaming, then let me sleepwalk straight into your arms. Let me know and not just believe that you love me. It is amazing how a moment can be so different from the moment before. Light to darkness and darkness to light, then everything is bright.

I am wide awake, but could I be dreaming? It is too real to be a daydream and too wonderful to be a hope. You must be. You are. And together we will. Not by force of mind but by soft whispers and many embracing touches.

I suppose there are many who go through life without experiencing true love. I wonder if there is any such thing as true love. There is no way to take ourselves out of the equation. How can love in its purest form be measured?

I have no answers and many questions, but I do have a firm foundation to build upon and that is my feelings for you. I cannot explain the mysteries of the universe, but I can convey what I feel when I look at you or hear your voice.


And that in its simplest form can only be described as love. Dreams in whatever form is for the living which I was not, only existing in a structure of life until I found a reason for living. It may be an illusion of how I want things to be, and if that is so, I will hold onto it as firmly as possible and not let go.

A stroll in the dark, relaxing in the park, a few hours at the beach, the sound of your steps as you walk towards me, all brings me dearer to cosmic harmony and a life experience that I can only cherish and harbor in a special place in memory.

I want to dwell within the secret quarters of your most intimate thoughts to comfort and nourish them. To explore the realms of joy in the tones of your voice. To be your pleasure that has more value than treasure. And to be with you when you need someone to be close.

I only want to be close to you and know that you care for me. I know that I must be dreaming, but I am wide awake and not asleep.