The Search

The Search. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, the seeker sets out on an amazing quest to find the elusive magic wand. For years, the seeker’s imagination reached great heights of expectation, only to be let down by how reality turned out. The seeker was certain that there must be a point at which reality and imagination meet to create a fresh expression and an amazing cognitive experience. The decision to search is thus made.
One rainy day marked the start of the seekers’ quest for the legendary magic wand. For a few seconds, torrential rain falls, but it soon stops. For hours, this pattern of intense rain followed by periods of no rain served as the catalyst for the seekers’ quest to realize the persistent fantasy that haunted him. Every self-assessment of the seeker’s life highlighted the persistent fantasy and increased the necessity of pursuing the dream to transform his life.
The zigzag pattern of lightning electrified the air after a sudden sonic shock of a thunderclap that made it sound like the planet had exploded. The seeker is startled by the abrupt violence in the atmosphere and falls backwards into a tree that at the same time is struck by a lightning strike. The ground beneath the tree erupts, the tree splits in two, the seeker is pushed into the crevice, and a hole in the ground that is the same diameter as the tree develops into an abyss or bottomless chasm.
Something as dramatic as this was not on the seeker’s agenda when he set out on his fantasy quest. Before a thought could be formed in the seeker’s mind, the entire environment has quickly shapeshifted creating a new reality by a fortuitous lightning strike. The soil is making a rumbling sound and pressing hard against the seeker as he descends into a netherworld that is diametrically opposite to the fanciful mental images conceived of the illusive magic wand so desperately desired.
The seeker is convinced that he has reached the end of his search for the phantasmic magic wand before the search begins. Fragments of the lightning struck tree are falling as well giving off a reddish glow as if on fire. For as long as the seeker can remember the delusive appearance of a longed-for reality perceived by the mind has been a source of comfort and endurance in the face of relentless disappointments.

Curiosity appears to have brought about calamity. The search seems to have ended abruptly. The true nature of reality will ever be obscured by a mirage of itself. The window will never be opened. The heat of the day will consume the withered leaf. And even more, the sun will raise in the west and set in the east.
When the conclusion of wishful thinking seemed apparent a vast opening appeared. The clutches of the soil dispersed from around the seeker. The tree fragments that appeared as fire cooled becoming ash carried away by an unknown element. Without wings the seeker glides in an environment of the mind that cannot be described.
The wind was not as the air remained fresh and still. The inner earth became a cosmos unto itself, and every dimension materialized in a single sphere. The mystical magic wand has been found, and its seat of origin and ultimate fulfillment is in the disposition of the seeker’s mind.