

Your Behavior Speaks

your behavior speaks

Your Behavior Speaks

Your behavior is telling me the opposite of what your mouth is saying. I realize that you may be confused so it is my duty to enlighten you. I am telling you that your avenue of escape is firmly in my grip. In my hands you will experience a complete feeling of expression and all your doubts concerning me and you will float away.

Let me know everything you are thinking so that together we can sort them out, with the outcome of giving you a pure thought of mind. In a little while the walk of a mile will be over and the journey into a wonderful future begins. In the aftermath the end will eclipse the beginning as well as the now of indecisiveness.

Do not place your faith in the figments of someone’s imaginations because I am the fulfillment of your dearest fantasies and the open scroll to your happiness. Leap before you look and be assured that I will catch you. With one hand I will suspend your fall and with the other hand I will slingshot your hips.

Moreover, I am your lifeline that will keep you from drowning, pulling you to the comfort of my shores. The door is open, the lock is broken, your way is clear to discover the fountain of youth and the hidden treasures of a long-lost civilization.

Why ride the goat when you can load the mule that carries your burdens? Not that I am making an unrealistic much of myself, I only want you to know that a flower has bloomed on the top of the mesa having no fear of a stone falling upon it. The clouds try to reach down and touch it, and the dew of morning nourishes it.

Your behavior say yes even as your mouth is saying maybe. There is no contradiction. There is no predicament. Because I am the noble beast of the open seas whose waves wash onto the coastlines of your best wishes soaking them with a pleasant spray.

The wind will never blow through your head from ear to ear when I am near. Your heart will never be broken as it is too filled with plenty. The twinkle in your lovely eyes will never disappear.

Be advised that I am the prize you won when you drew your choice from the star clusters. You closed your eyes and blew a kiss, and that kiss became your wish. That wish that you kissed is me.

Your will is compromised as an offering on my alter of intent. There is no reason for you to feel distressed because the knife that I plunge into your heart is love. Blue skies, starlit nights and the season of romance is far more than a token.

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She Appeared

She appeared

She appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into where she came from. The only evidence that she exists is in my heart and mind where she will always live as long as I am alive.

When I awaken from sleep the memory of my dreams go away. I try to recover them to no avail. Even the dream I was having just before awakening from sleep has gone away.

And she appeared to me from a misty shadow. A misty shadow that appeared suddenly. Suddenly the misty shadow is here, and quickly the misty shadow is gone.

Suddenly she is here and suddenly she is gone. She has gone into a place where dreams form. She has gone into a place that was not here before.

She has gone into a region where only dreams reside. A region of forming dreams that vanishes when I awaken from sleep. A region linked to the hippocampus, the neo-cortex, and the amygdala where memories are stored.

Gone into a region where neurons communicate with aspiration and imagination, where there is the potential of infinite memory and where she will always live even when my dreams are seemingly forgotten.

In the ether or aether is where she lives as the first element or quintessence beyond the terrestrial sphere. Where she lives from remote times long before medieval science evolved. In this sphere she has always existed and will ever live.


In my mind she is the pinnacle of my dreams that are formed either when I am awake or asleep. I have no questions to ask because she is the total answer to any and all of my questions.

Therefore, her answers are always pleasing to me, giving me confidence for the present and the future. It matters not that she appears as a nebulous image created by my psyche and mentality because she is definitely not a delusion formed by wishful thinking on my part.

She appears, and she is real. So real that I can feel the warmth and the softness of her skin in my sleep. Even more, she has a delightful affect/effect on my mood and attitude. And then, she is gone leaving me with a wonderful afterglow.

This is because she exists in the delicate space between reality and dreams. So, she is not gone as long as I live and when I live no longer in the material sphere, I will be where she is, loving her for ever more.

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Beneath a Balboa Tree

Beneath a Balboa tree. Eons ago, the splendor of Nut fell upon a young man as he sat beneath a balboa tree during the middle of the day. The radiance of her perfect pitch-black resplendency caused the heart of this young man to feel as though it was melting away within the darkness of Nut’s delicate loveliness. Being placed within an altered state of consciousness as she began to speak to him the resonance of her voice contained all the wisdom of the known and the unknown in all their majesties of frequencies and colors.

pc - Beneath a Balboa Tree

Lifting the young man into her arms and pressing his mouth to one of her breasts the young man is suckled by Nut with the knowledge that she has acquired over the ages. Knowledge that she has assimilated before there was a before and knowledge that she knows is to come within the expanse of the ongoing.

Beneath a Balboa Tree – Eternally Bright

Eternally bright from epoch to epoch, forever unfolding in luminosity, Nut gives her acquired wisdom to this young man whom she has adopted unto herself. Immortal to mortal, immeasurable frequencies and colors given to most beloved water and dirt, Nut spares none of her acquired wisdom to the young man as she breastfeeds him with that which she has created and with that which she has learned.

As a covering over him Nut is the young man’s protector and sustainer, his giver of life and his reincarnation to existence after life. As it were a babe sitting beneath a balboa tree during the middle of the day the young man’s growing astuteness towards realities far beyond himself are judicious and prudent under the weight of maturity that the milk of Nut’s quintessence is likewise installing into him.

Truth in a Kernel

A kernel of truth is not the truth and a tidbit of this is not the whole of that. Fashioned for her pleasure the young man is now Nut’s treasure giving light to those who want light and a dense darkness to those who do not want to partake of her intense dark beauty. Truly, this young man has come of age as ages have come to him by the wisdom that is being given to him by the covering of Nut.

So, what am I to say as one of the lost and found? Am I to ignore the wisdom that Nut as given to the young man and wallow within the distortions of the falsifiers as most of the peoples of the world so dim-wittingly do? Glow with the glowing of Nut’s eyes and shine with the brightness of Nut’s smile for she is your covering and your truth that will guide and protect you from yourself and from those who want to harm you.

Beneath a Balboa Tree – Free your Mind


Free your mind of the ideologies and philosophies of those who are not of Nut, those who have made the planet earth an unhealthy place to live and who ultimately want to destroy it and all its creatures and distort the story of life (history) to magnify themselves.

Beneath a Balboa tree sat a young man whose name is my name, whose name is your name. While sitting beneath this Balboa tree during the middle of the day the luminosity of Nut embraced this young man elevating his manner of thinking, enlightening him to this but not that, and raising him from the bottom to the uttermost highest which is his native state of existence.

Intelligence is Fixed

So it is that intelligence is fixed within the braids of Nut’s hair and enlightenment is her abode and all whom are her own who want to devour her whole is free to do so for Nut is the shroud of elegance and layers of enfolding. And it is so.

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Understanding Fantasies

Understanding fantasies. Do fantasies pacify loneliness or do fantasies make loneliness worse? Is there a difference between fantasies in a healthy relationship and fantasies when you are not in a healthy relationship? Are fantasies a natural function of the brain that automatically occur? The brain is a processor that must remain active, so fantasies may simply be a routine process of an active brain.

Creating unrealistic or improbable mental images may be one aspect of fantasies but inventions are the products of fantasies. Fantasies do not seem to be random as there seems to be a specific focus and course that the fantasy takes. For instance, a solid romance or a planet without turmoil and pollution are fantasies that are not unrealistic or improbable.

Just as understanding dreams gives a person an insight into themselves, understanding what you delight in fantasizing about also gives you a better understanding of yourself. That is just an opinion so do not lay it on your pillow and sleep with it. Fantasizing can be a way to briefly take you out of yourself and your everyday concerns, but it can also be a distraction keeping you from doing the things that you need to do.

Fantasies may address a psychological need, but it does not satisfy it because whatever the lacking is remains there. Someone is standing on a mountain top and scanning the horizon. As far as that someone can see there is a pristine forest. The sky is blue and empty of clouds. The temperature is moderate and there is a slight breeze. Surrounded by such peace and beauty, does someone need to fantasize?

Someone is sitting alone in a room. The clock has moved into another day. Sleep is as far away from this someone as the early morning hours of yesterday. Every tick of the clock on the wall sounds like an explosion into eternity. If given the chance this someone will recap all their past mistakes until a feeling of depression sets in. Can this someone afford the luxury of fantasizing under the circumstances?

Fantasizing may be harmless when you are not fantasizing about a specific person if you keep the fantasy abstract and impersonal. If this is your fantasizing technique it is unlikely to cause anyone else harm. The detail of a fantasy is like a breath of air that comes and goes while the essence of the fantasy may remain intact. It is like putting different actors in the same play using the same script. The camera is rolling, and the sound equipment properly adjusted for the next scene in the fantasy that will take place.

Understanding fantasies is a part of understanding your inner self and how you interact with this illusion called life and the certainty of your death. A frog is reminiscing near a pond about the things that its great grand frog told it. Of how clean the water used to be even when it was muddy. Of how there was an abundance of creatures that bathe and drink from it. Of how the rainwater that fell into it used to be nourishing. Of how the Indigenous people laughed and sang as they camped by the ponds bank. And now it has come to this.

Fantasizing may be a temporary way of escaping reality and a fantasy may become a reality. As with everything there is a good side and there is a bad side to fantasizing. The deeper one gets into trying to understand the nature of fantasies the better one becomes in developing an undisruptive and nontoxic way of daydreaming.

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Dream Creation

Dream creation, also known as dream manipulation or lucid dreaming, refers to the ability to consciously control or influence the content and events that occur in dreams. While dreams are typically spontaneous and unpredictable, some individuals have developed techniques to enhance their awareness and control during the dreaming state.

Here are a few methods that can help with dream creation or lucid dreaming:

1. Reality checks: Perform reality checks throughout your waking hours by questioning whether you are dreaming or awake. This habit will carry over into your dreams, increasing the likelihood of becoming lucid when something unusual occurs.

2. Dream journaling: Keep a dream journal by your bedside and record your dreams as soon as you wake up. This practice improves dream recall and trains your mind to pay more attention to the dream world.

3. MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams): Before falling asleep, repeat a mantra or affirmation such as “I will have a lucid dream” or “I will remember my dreams.” Visualize yourself becoming aware in a dream and actively participating in it.

4. WBTB (Wake-Back-to-Bed) technique: Set an alarm to wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep. Stay awake for a short period (around 30 minutes) and engage in activities that promote wakefulness, such as reading about lucid dreaming or practicing visualization. Then go back to sleep with the intention of having a lucid dream.

5. Reality testing in dreams: Once you become lucid in a dream, perform reality checks to affirm that you are dreaming. Common reality checks include looking at your hands, trying to push your finger through your palm, or observing the behavior of objects in the dream environment.

6. Visualization and intention: Before falling asleep, imagine the dream scenario you wish to experience or create. Visualize it vividly and set a clear intention to encounter it in your dream.

7. Dream supplements and technology: Some individuals explore the use of certain supplements like galantamine or supplements that support dream vividness, as well as devices like lucid dreaming masks that detect REM sleep and provide cues to promote lucidity.

Remember that achieving lucid dreams and controlling dream content can take practice and patience. It’s important to approach the process with a relaxed and open mindset. Lucid dreaming can be an exciting and transformative experience, offering opportunities for self-exploration, creativity, and even problem-solving within the realm of dreams.

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Dream types – with AI assist

Dream Whacking:

Dream types. Dream whacking is an online dream forum designed to help you understand the meaning of your dreams. There are no fees of any kind to be involved in this dream forum, nor any of BestowingLife’s websites. With that said, Let’s whack.

Dream types: Daydreaming

An awake dream, also known as a daydream, is a type of mental experience where an individual is fully awake, but their mind wanders and creates a series of imagined scenarios or situations.

Unlike night dreams, which occur during sleep, awake dreams happen while the person is conscious and usually involve the person’s conscious desires, fantasies, or fears.

Daydreaming can be a form of escapism, allowing people to mentally detach from their current surroundings and temporarily immerse themselves in an imagined world. It can also be a source of inspiration for creative pursuits such as writing or art.

Dream types: Partial sleep dreaming

Unlike daydreaming, Partial sleep dreaming, also known as hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations, refers to vivid sensory experiences that occur when a person is either falling asleep (hypnagogic) or waking up (hypnopompic). These hallucinations can involve any of the senses, including visual, auditory, tactile, and even olfactory experiences.

Hypnagogic hallucinations can include seeing shapes, colors, or people that aren’t really there, hearing sounds or voices, feeling as if you are falling or floating, or experiencing a sense of presence in the room. Hypnopompic hallucinations can be similar but occur as you are waking up and may include feeling as if someone is touching you or seeing images in the room.

These experiences are relatively common and not typically cause for concern. However, they can be more frequent or intense in people with certain sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy or sleep paralysis. In some cases, hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations can also be a side effect of certain medications or a symptom of a psychiatric disorder.

Understanding my dream types

While daydreaming can be a pleasurable experience, excessive daydreaming can interfere with daily life and may be a sign of underlying mental health issues such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or depression. If you find yourself frequently engaging in daydreaming and feel that it is negatively impacting your life, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional.

Likewise, if you experience frequent or disturbing hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations, it may be helpful to talk to a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying sleep or psychiatric conditions.

Dream conclusion:

Dreaming is a natural and important part of the sleep cycle, and most people dream multiple times each night during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. Dreams can have a variety of functions, including processing emotions and memories, problem-solving, and even creativity.

While some dreams may be unpleasant or even nightmares, they can provide important insights into the unconscious mind and can help individuals work through unresolved emotional issues or experiences.

It is important to prioritize getting enough sleep to allow for adequate dream time, as sleep deprivation can interfere with the ability to dream and may have negative impacts on overall health and well-being.

If you are experiencing frequent nightmares or disturbing dreams that are interfering with your sleep or causing distress, it may be helpful to speak with a mental health professional for support and guidance.

Better than going professional and saving your money, visit Dreamwhack and join our dream forum. It’s free.

Dream disclaimer:

This article is not intended to give advice, nor recommendations of any kind regarding mental health issues, but is for your dream entertainment and dream enlightenment. Happy Dream whacking.

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