
Good Wishes

good wishes

Good wishes without kisses. Moving forward on a mission to unravel the cone when greatness ruled the earth, and the universe was young. Finding the motives for a people who has gone astray by losing themselves in an unreal reality created by the vacant lot, causing cultures to topple and global pollutions to reign supreme.

A world of wishes without kisses where idiots rule and fools govern with the oblivious obscured by the nonsensical and the pathetic being ramped higher than the highest whatever. The ill-mannered are applauded giving them even more energy to be a dull witted and suffering the cost of neanderthal blending.

Once upon a time there was a time when the air was safe to breathe, foods was nourishing to eat, and water energized the body. During that time large stones rolled uphill by thought, and other realms and planets were frequently visited by mental teleport. A woman knew what she was, and a man bathed her with the light of the sun. Then a particular ice age came and changed everything.

A new species of humanoid developed amid the ice and snow. No animal could find refuge from this new biological metamorphosis that devoured everything in sight. The land became a garbage dump, and the waters became a sewage flush. Progress became measured by the number of trees cut down in the forest and the level of artificial signals that can distort the cells of the animal and human brain.

Kisses without wishes falling into oblivion under the weight of the avalanche that distorts everything and everyone it encounters. The light of the worlds unwittingly and willfully transformed themselves into debris and wreckage having only loudness as their distinction. Rulers who will not let go of the short stick that grounds them to powder and makes a mockery of them at every instant. When will the unwise learn and the unconscious regain their consciousness?

Just the other day the planet earth was a wondrously beautiful place when only one species of humanoids inhabited the soil. Born from the colors and frequences of trillions of stars coalescing into the perfect dark matter that holds and sustains all the universes in their places. And the fruit that fell from the tree nurtured and nourished the soil causing a blade of grass and a flower to bloom. No deserts, or wastelands, or molten core, and no beast or man feeding upon the other.

Good wishes without kisses. One mind without dissention. One body of one form and one universal house that could truly be called home. Yesterday as the egg rolls, clouds rained down uncontaminated water creating underground streams of vibrant purity and oceans washed the shores without corruption. Wars were fought by intimidations not by bloodbaths and untold suffering. This was a time when, and that when will come again just as sure as tomorrow is the same as yesterday and the evening, the morning, and the night will stay in place.

This is not a dream. This is how existence was the day before yesterday and how it will be the day after tomorrow.

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What do I call them?

Heart-robot - I call them

What do I call them since they are no longer women or females? I suppose anything that comes to mind. Under the current trend men and animated hardware are systematically replacing them, so what should I call them. I suppose that I will call them anything that seems appropriate in my mind at the time.

Whatever they are now, a growing number of them are convinced that they do not have the slightest clue as to what they are, so who am I to question the current fad? Even those who have given birth to a child are woefully in the dark concerning their biological nature. How can someone allow themselves to be so whitewashed and brainwashed is beyond me.

The United States is the primary agent of this growing assault on whatever you now choose to call them. Just as the United States have been and still is the primary agent in spreading the fear and hatred of so-called Black men around the world. European males have always felt threatened and insecure about their women which is why they have sought so hard to dominate them. So, this new trend is only their latest efforts to diminish the status of those who make them feel vulnerable.

Do I call them by name, or do I call them by anything, seeing that they are neither this nor that now? I will call them a biological entity soon to become extinct and an active participant in their own demise. The first born should not participate in the distortion and the destruction of life. The first born should grow beyond the servile mind and be strong and creative again. The past is wonderful but the present and the future are more important for the stability of the planet and the cosmos.

What should I call those who are floating in the current bubble since the mob restricts what I can say to predefined and acceptable pronouns? I will say that silence is a despot’s solace and loudness accomplish nothing in the long term. How long will the crowd applaud without understanding the plot of the play? When will the mind prevail over bad manners? This will only happen when the first-born overthrow those who currently control and influence the world, only then can positive changes come about.

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Interpreting your dreams by analyzing your life experiences

Analyzing your life experiences

Analyzing your life experiences can be a helpful approach when interpreting your dreams. By examining your personal history, emotions, and significant events, you can gain a deeper understanding of the possible meanings behind your dream symbols and narratives. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Keep a dream journal: Start by recording your dreams immediately after waking up. Include as many details as possible, such as people, places, objects, and emotions you experienced in the dream.
  2. Identify recurring themes and symbols: Look for patterns or symbols that appear frequently in your dreams. Pay attention to objects, people, animals, or situations that repeat across different dreams.
  3. Connect with your emotions: Reflect on the emotions you felt during the dream and see if they relate to any current or past events in your life. Consider how these emotions may be linked to your waking life experiences and your emotional state.
  4. Consider personal associations: Think about your personal associations with the symbols in your dream. For example, if you dream of a cat, what does a cat mean to you personally? It could represent independence, mystery, or something entirely different based on your experiences and cultural background.
  5. Explore underlying conflicts or desires: Dreams often reflect our unconscious thoughts, conflicts, and desires. Analyze the narrative of your dream and try to uncover any hidden messages or unresolved issues that may be surfacing.
  6. Look for connections to waking life events: Consider any recent or significant events in your life that might be connected to your dreams. Your dreams may provide insights or alternative perspectives on these events.
  7. Seek professional guidance if needed: If you’re struggling to interpret your dreams or if they consistently cause distress, consider consulting with a professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, who specializes in dream analysis or psychotherapy.

Remember that dream interpretation is highly subjective, and the most important aspect is finding meaning that resonates with you personally. Trust your intuition and use your own insights to make sense of your dreams.

Interpreting your dreams and Common dream themes and symbols

Dreams can contain a wide variety of themes and symbols, and their meanings can vary depending on the individual and their personal experiences.

Remember that these interpretations are general guidelines, and the context of the dream and the dreamer’s personal associations play a crucial role in understanding the symbols. It’s essential to consider your own feelings, experiences, and cultural background when interpreting your dreams.

Here are some common themes and symbols that often appear in dreams:

  1. Flying: Represents freedom, liberation, or a desire to escape from a situation.
  2. Falling: Symbolizes a loss of control, fear, or a lack of support in waking life.
  3. Water: Can represent emotions, the unconscious mind, or the flow of life. Calm water may indicate tranquility, while turbulent water may signify emotional turmoil.
  4. Animals: Different animals carry various symbolic meanings. For example, a cat can represent independence or mystery, while a dog may symbolize loyalty or protection.
  5. Teeth: Often associated with concerns about appearance, communication, or feeling vulnerable.
  6. Death: Symbolizes the end of a phase or transformation rather than literal death. It can represent personal growth, change, or the need to let go of the past.
  7. Chasing: Represents a pursuit or fear of something in waking life, such as ambitions, relationships, or unresolved issues.
  8. Being naked: Signifies vulnerability, self-consciousness, or the fear of being exposed.
  9. Houses: Symbolize the self and different aspects of the dreamer’s personality or life. Different rooms may represent different emotions or areas of life.
  10. Vehicles: Represent the journey through life. The condition and control of the vehicle can reflect the dreamer’s sense of control and direction.
  11. People: Often reflect aspects of the dreamer’s own personality, desires, or relationships. Pay attention to how you feel and interact with the people in your dreams.
  12. Mirrors: Symbolize self-reflection, self-image, or the need to examine oneself and gain insight into personal identity.

Note: AI assist

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